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4 Geothermal Heating and Cooling Myths Busted

When it comes to geothermal heating and cooling, a lot of misinformation is floating around. If something you’ve heard is holding you back from installing a geothermal system for your home in Maumelle, Arkansas, it’s worth taking the time to sort out fact from fiction. Here’s how some of the myths about geothermal stack up against the truth.

Myth #1: Geothermal Systems Aren’t as Eco-Friendly as They Seem

Some people have heard that geothermal systems aren’t eco-friendly because they use electricity and waste water. In reality, most geothermal systems have a COP (Coefficient of Performance) of between 3 and 6. The higher the COP, the higher the energy efficiency of the system. This means that for every one unit of energy that they consume, most geothermal systems produce three to six units of heating and cooling energy.

In comparison, conventional electric heaters have a COP of 1. And while some early models did waste water, that is no longer the case. All of the water used in the heat exchange is returned to the aquifer.

Myth #2: You Need a Big Yard to Install a Geothermal System

The ground loop for a geothermal system can be horizontal or vertical. While horizontal loops require a relatively large yard, vertical loops take up very little square footage. Even less space is required if there happens to be an aquifer on your property that the system can tap into.

Myth #3: Geothermal Systems Can Only Heat the Air

Geothermal systems can do far more than heat the air in your home. They can also cool the air during warm months. Some systems can even simultaneously heat your pool and the water for your home while handling your other HVAC needs.

Myth #4: Geothermal Systems Aren’t a Good Long-Term Solution

The indoor components of a geothermal system can easily last for decades with proper maintenance. Geothermal ground loops have even longer lifespans of 50 years or more.

Want to know more about geothermal heat pumps? The experts at Freyaldenhoven Heating and Cooling would be happy to answer any questions and help you select the right HVAC system for your home. Give us a call at (501) 764-9077 today!

Image provided by Shutterstock

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