Does Your Ductwork Need Work?
From plumbing pipes to electrical wiring, some of the most important systems in your Little Rock home work undercover. Your HVAC system’s hidden network of air ducts falls into that category too. They wind through your home out of sight and, more often than not, out of mind. Unlike plumbing or wiring, it’s not always easy to tell if ductwork is operating properly. There’s no telltale leak or faulty socket to let you know something is wrong. The following signs can help you determine if your ducts need work.
Rising Energy Costs
Poorly performing ducts have a huge impact on heating and cooling costs. Leaky ducts are the most common problem. In the average home, up to 30 percent of the air moving through the duct system is lost to leaks, holes and loose connections. For ducts located in unconditioned spaces like attics and crawlspaces, insulation matters too. In the winter, up to 60 percent of heated air can be lost to ducts that aren’t sealed and insulated properly.
Lackluster Airflow
Rooms with persistent hot or cold spots are clear indications of inadequate airflow. When sized right and installed correctly, central air systems should maintain a level temperature throughout your home. All too often, however, systems suffer from design deficiencies that compromise the supply and return air channels. From dampers to jumper ducts, modifications performed by a skilled professional can resolve the problem.
Poor Indoor Air Quality
Leaky ducts don’t just allow conditioned air to escape. They provide an entry point for pollutants as well. From dust and insulation materials to garden chemicals, contaminants circulating through air ducts can aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms. Pollutants also cause further damage to the ducts, exacerbating the problem. A timely duct replacement or repair can significantly improve indoor air quality.
Contact the Air Duct Experts
Not every HVAC company is qualified to perform duct replacement, repairs and installations. At Freyaldenhoven Heating and Cooling, our sheet metal shop allows us to design, build and customize ducts to fit your needs to perfection. For more information, check out our ductwork services or call (501) 764-9077.
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