Reduce Asthma Triggers in Your Home with HVAC Filters, Humidifier, and Ventilator
Allergens like pollen, dust, and dander can plague residents during any season in the Little Rock, Arkansas, climate. If you’re suffering from telltale signs of allergies, it’s time to address irritant levels in your home. Consider these handy home installations to help keep your allergies in check.
Upgrade Your HVAC Filter
Your HVAC filter is your first line of defense against indoor allergens, but many homeowners don’t give much thought to this product. Each filter has a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, or MERV, rating that indicates how efficient it is at capturing pollutants. Those with a MERV rating of four or below only capture particles smaller than 10 pm in size, while a filter with a rating of 12 will capture particles as small as 1 pm. Choose a highly efficient option, and change the filter at least every three months to minimize asthma triggers.
Install a Humidifier
In afternoons and evenings in the Little Rock area, humidity levels tend to drop. When humidity is too low, allergens are more likely to become airborne where they’re easily inhaled. Installing a humidifier helps battle all kinds of dryness, from dry, cracked nasal passages to dry skin and eyes. With more humidity in the air, allergens like dust are more likely to settle on flat surfaces where you can wipe them up easily.
Consider a Ventilator
A ventilator helps minimize allergens by expelling stale, dirty air from the home and systematically bringing fresh air in. Outside air is filtered as it enters the home, so you can keep pollen and other irritants out while letting a stream of fresh, healthy air come in.
If you’re experiencing uncomfortable allergy symptoms inside your home, it’s time to address your indoor air quality. Contact Freyaldenhoven Heating and Cooling at (501) 764-9077 to learn more about the best air quality solutions for your home. We can help you find the right product for any need, offering quick installation so you’ll be breathing easy in no time.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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