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Go Green with Home Automation

While keeping your Conway, Arkansas, home the ideal temperature all year long is of the utmost importance, helping to ensure your home is environmentally-friendly might be something at the top of your list as well. One way to go green and reduce your carbon footprint is through the use of home automation.

What is a Smart Home?

“Smart home” is a term used to describe a home in which technology allows the various systems to communicate with each other, be controlled remotely, or be put on set programs. The smart home technology available for your home can be used to control:

  • Lighting
  • Temperature
  • Security Systems

How Can a Smart Home Help You Go Green?

Home automation using smart technology can be used to reduce the overall energy consumption in your home, allowing you to lower the carbon footprint you will leave on the environment. Here are some of the ways in which smart technologies can help you go green:

It Can Allow You to Control Your Temperature

Smart thermostats can allow you to minimize your carbon footprint in multiple ways. First, they allow you to control the temperature in your home from anywhere with a smart device. You can change the temperature when you will be away for a long time and program it to return to the appropriate temperature when you arrive home. These thermostats can also learn your habits and behaviors and begin to adjust the temperature on their own, providing you with the energy efficiency you need.

It Can Provide You With Ways to Monitor Your Energy Use

Some of these controls can go even a step further by monitoring the amount of power you are using through your home and providing you with a report that can show you where your inefficiencies are, as well as how to control your power use during peak times. While many people may notice when their energy bills are higher or lower, they may not understand where their power is being used aside from their HVAC system. Knowing where your energy use is going is the first step toward doing your part to conserve energy.

It Can Help You Preserve Water

One of the greatest wastes of natural resources on a daily basis is water use in the home. To help combat this waste, you can utilize smart irrigation systems. These systems save an average household up to 8,000 gallons of wasted water each year. These systems will sync with local weather applications and predictions and make sure to water plants at the appropriate times. It will ensure that your plants and yard get the water they need to thrive without overwatering them or watering them when it is expected to rain.

It Can Help You Control Your Light Use

A significant amount of energy is wasted through the use of lights that are left on when they are no longer needed. There are multiple ways you can reduce the amount of energy that your lighting uses during the day. First, you can start by installing energy-efficient light bulbs throughout your home. You can also program your lights through automation to allow you to control them remotely through Wi-Fi from any smart device. This automation will also provide you reports on which lights draw the most energy, allowing you to replace ones that can be high in energy use.

It Can Allow You to Control the Appliances in Your Home

You can have control over the various appliances and electronics in your home by affixing them to smart plugs in the power system. When they are plugged into a smart plug, you will be able to turn them on and off and even set timers for how long they can continue to save energy. You also will be able to see how much energy each item uses and make replacements if necessary.

Find out other ways that home automation can help reduce the energy use in your house and aid you in your quest to go green by contacting the home automation specialists at Freyaldenhoven Heating and Cooling at (501) 764-9077 today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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